1. Introduction : Zimbra to GMail Migration

Zimbra to Gmail Migration | Zimbra to Google Workspace Migration

2. Zimbra to GMail Migration : Security

Cloudiway respects security best practices to safeguard your organization’s data and privacy during the migration process. More information are available in this article.

3. Zimbra to GMail Migration: Performance

Cloudiway takes care of the overall performance of the platform during your Zimbra to GMail migration , details can be found in this article.

4. Zimbra to GMail Migration scope

5. Pre-migration configuration

5.1 Before you start

Before you start, you will need to ensure you have the details outlined in the following table.

Cloudiway loginStores details and provides communication between the systems you already use.https://portal.cloudiway.com/
Help CenterOur extensive knowledge base is always accessible, with videos, troubleshooting tools, samples and more.https://help.cloudiway.com/
Google AdminTo configure the Google feedshttps://admin.google.com
Google Workspace Migration

3. Select the organizational unit you want to configure settings for. If you want to configure settings for everyone, select the top-level unit. Or, select one of the child organizational units.

4. Go to POP and IMAP access.

5. Click the pencil “edit” icon.

6. Check Enable IMAP access for all users. And Select Allow any mail client.
You do not need to enable POP for Cloudiway tools to work.

7. Save your settings.

5.4.2. Google feeds

You need to configure the permissions (Google feeds).

This article explains how to add the Google feeds:


The Cloudiway Google service account client ID is: 114818336788408865729. 

But you can also create your own Google service account and give it the necessary permissions.

The scope to authorize are:


5.4.3. Create your user mailboxes

Cloudiway migrates between existing user mailboxes. Therefore, the user mailboxes must be created prior to the migration. 

5.5. Mapping Table

During the migration, Cloudiway uses a mapping table to perform the conversion of email addresses in email headers, calendar items, and mailbox permissions.

Important: the mapping table must be exhaustive, any missing email address will not be converted, and would end up with loss of mailbox permissions, unrepayable emails and broken calendar items. Cloudiway automatically populates this mapping table when source mailboxes are discovered by Get List functionality explained below. However, make sure if the mapping table was populated automatically that you are not missing any email address. 

6. Zimbra to GMail Migration

6.1. Create your source and target connectors

For Cloudiway to migrate your email, it needs to be able to communicate with both your source and target domains. To do this, Zimbra to Microsoft 365 Migration requires connectors that will store the credentials used to connect to the endpoints. You will need to set up a connector for each source tenant you wish to migrate and each target tenant that mail should be migrated to.

Follow the steps on the pages below to configure Zimbra and Office 365 connectors:

Create Connectors guide

Create A zimbra Connector

 Create a Microsoft 365 Connector

Mail Migration Global Settings
Mails migration User Listing
2. Click on MANAGE and select Import
Mails migration UserList Import

3. If required, click on Download sample CSV and add your users to the CSV file using the sample headers (FirstName; LastName; SourceEmail; TargetEmail; BatchName)

4. When you have a complete CSV file with the correct headers, click on the BROWSE button

5. Locate your CSV file within your own file system, and double-click on it to select it

6. Select the appropriate connectors in the Source and Target fields

7. Click on the UPLOAD button.

6.3.2. Option 2: Import Users tool

Cloudiway’s Import Users tool helps you to retrieve users from your source tenant. The functionality works via Identity Access Management. The tool requires you to specify any transformation rules you wish to apply. It will then add new users in the Mail Migration User List view within the Cloudiway platform.

This is an advanced tool that is best used in partnership with Cloudiway consultants. If you are interested in using this option, please get in touch with your Cloudiway contact.

6.3.3. Option 3: Create a single user
Many of our first-time customers create a single user for testing purposes. This provides a means of watching the migration process without affecting all users. Single users can also be created for migrations affecting just a few users.

Click on MANAGE > Create User and enter the following details:

Mails migration Create Users

What a migration pass takes to complete depends on a lot of factors. Find out more about the migration performance:

If you have moved the source domain and need to perform one more delta pass, the Switch Domain global action will need to be used:

You can create user batches from the Batches tab to easily group subset of mailboxes. Click on the + icon and enter a batch name:


After creating the different batch, under Users tab, select the users you want to assign to a specific batch, click on BATCH button and Add to Batch.

To start your Zimbra to Google WorkspaceMigration, select the users or batch you wish to migrate.

  • For users, under Users tab, select all the users you want to submit and click on MIGRATION, then the Start button. 
  • For user batch, under Batches tab, select the user batch you want to submit and click on MIGRATION, then the Start button.
Add users to batch

Your migrations will be scheduled and will begin as soon as cloud resources are available.

7. Zimbra To Gmail Migration : Other options

7.1. Mailbox permissions migration

You can migrate mailbox permissions for mailboxes through the Cloudiway platform.

Migration of permission isn’t performed during the migration of the mailboxes but through a dedicated job.

The migration of the permissions will migrate permissions on the mailboxes, on the primary and secondary calendars.

WarningIf permissions were applied to mail-enabled security group, the mail enable security group must exist at the destination for the permission to be applied correctly.

Click on User List, select the users, go to MIGRATION, then click on Migrate Permissions

Click on the Save button, when your migration starts, all emails will be migrated to an In-Place archive.

8. Troubleshooting