Follow the steps below for Google Shared Drives to Microsoft Office 365 (Groups / Microsoft Teams / SharePoint) Migration. If you wish to use this new version, please contact us.

1. Google Shared Drive Migration : Introduction

2. Google Shared Drive Migration: Prerequisites

2.3. Source Prerequisites

2.3.1. Google migration account

To perform the migration, you will need to create a G Suite migration account, give access to your Drive API (Google feeds). The migration account must have full permission to each source Shared Drives that you wish to migrate. It’s therefore important that you notice that any Shared Drives cannot be migrated unless this new user is granted full access on Shared Drives.

If you give sufficient permissions to the Cloudiway service account (Google feeds), the platform can add the permissions to the Shared Drives for you.

2.3.2. Google feeds

Also, native Google Shared Drive documents are accessed using Google Drive APIs. Therefore, you need to give permissions (Google feeds) to use these APIs for the source tenant.

Note: By default Tenant administrators can see all Team Drives but cannot migrate the files. Therefore you must give the role organizer to the migration account on every Team Drives you want to migrate. The platform can do it automatically for you if you add the scope “” (link below).

This article explains how to add the Google feeds:

3. Create Your Connectors

4. Google Shared Drives Migration Settings

Note: to test the migration, you can use a Trial License, please consult this article to assign a Trial License.

4.1. Import Your Group List Into the Cloudiway Platform

To perform the migration, navigate to Sites > Group List

Cloudiway Sites Product Menus

4.1.1. Option 1: Get List

Use the Get List option to fill the list of Shared Drives to migrate:


This will connect to Google Shared Drives and retrieve all available shared drives.

Select the connector you want to connect, click on GET.

Note: you can monitor the progress of this task in the Global Logs.

Once the list is retrieved, you need to assign a target connector to the entries.

Select the entries, click on MANAGE, then Assign Target.

Cloudiway google team drives list migration

Click on MANAGEImport, select the CSV File, the Source and Target Connectors, then click Upload.

Cloud Import

4.1.3. Option 3: Add a shared drive manually

You can manually add the details of a shared drive to your list on the Cloudiway platform. Due to the lengthy URLs, we recommend you only use this option if it’s impossible to run Get List.

  1. Go to your Google Drive and Develop the Shared Drives section. Search for your shared drive and open it.
  2. Take note of the URL of the shared drive and the ID:
  3. On the Cloudiway platform, go to the Group List of the Group Migration menu.
  4. Click on MANAGE then Create
  5. Fill in all details for the shared drive to be migrated
  6. Click on the OK button.

4.2. Specify Your Destination

The product gives you the flexibility to migrate to a large choice of targets and gives you the possibility to reorganize your data. You can migrate your Shared Drives:

  • To different team channels
  • To different channels within a team
  • To different SharePoint sites
  • To different libraries within a SharePoint site
  • To different folders within a SharePoint library

Migration to SharePoint Sites:

Cloudiway Migrate to Sharepoint

Enter the URL of the site.

Enter the optional Library Name: leave empty to migrate to the default document library of the site.

Enter the optional Folder Name (within the library).

Migration to Teams:

Cloudiway Migrate to MicrosoftTeams

Enter the team name and email address.

Enter the optional Channel Name, leave empty to migrate to the default general channel of the team.

Add a Prefix to the Target?

You can add a Prefix to the Target Site Name and Target URL if you are migrating to a SharePoint site.

You can add a Prefix to the Target Name and Target Email Address if you are migrating to a group or a team.

In the Group List, check one or multiple objects, go to MANAGE then click on the “Add Prefix” button.
Enter the Prefix in the pop-up then SAVE.

4.3. Global Settings

At this point, you are ready to migrate.

Most of the settings below are not used for Google Shared Drives migration, you can leave the default values:

Cloudiway Global Setting
  • Migration of Permissions.
  • Migration of TermStore: TermStore is a SharePoint feature that doesn’t exist in Google. Therefore, it’s not used for Google Sites migration.
  • Migrate Version History. Only the last 3 versions are migrated over.
  • Migrate to: determine where files are migrated, we recommend to migrate to SharePoint. Files will be migrated to the SharePoint site.
  • File Management: when you migrate to an existing destination, determine the behavior when files already exist on the target and is not empty.
    • Overwrite
    • Ignore
    • Copy
Membership MigrationEnable the migration of team members
Conversation MigrationEnable the migration of channel Conversations, read more.
Planner MigrationEnable the migration of Planners
Mailbox MigrationEnable the migration of team mailboxes
Mentions MigrationEnable the migration of Mentions
Migration of TermStoreEnable the migration of TermStore, therefore you can safely leave it Off by default unless you have customized it.
Migration of PermissionsEnable the migration of Permissions (files permissions…)
Migration of SharepointEnable the migration of SharePoint sites associated to the team
Keep in targetKeep files if already present at the target (existing files will not be overwritten)
  • Click on Save.

4.4. Perform an Audit (optional)

The audit is optional and purely informative. It consumes the Cloudiway license. You do not have to run it, unless you wish to see how many files and folders you have in the source Google Shared Drive.

To Audit a shared drive, in Group List, select it and click on MIGRATIONAudit.

Cloudiway Google Team Drives Audit

This feature reports information about the Source Shared Drives:

Cloudiway Audit Report
  • Number of files for each folder
  • Number of folders
  • Number of Members (Permissions)

4.5. Perform Pre-Processing

The pre-processing tool creates the site or team at the target if it doesn’t already exist.

What does the pre-processing tool do in detail?

At the target:

It creates the team and channels.

      • It creates the SharePoint sites and libraries.
      • It uses the graph APIs (Client ID and Client Secret) and gives the owner role to the migration account defined in the target connector.
      • It migrates membership and ownership.

To pre-process a shared drive, in Group List, select it and click on MIGRATIONPre-Processing.

The shared drive is now ready to be migrated.

4.6. Migration

Before starting the migration, you must run the pre-processing (see step above) of the shared drive.

To start the migration, in Group List, select it and click on MIGRATIONStart.

This will schedule the migration. The migration will start as soon as there is a free spot on the platform.

You can monitor your migration by clicking on the team in the list.

Cloudiway Teams Migration Log